5th July 2023 – What he wants, what he really, really wants

Weekly Thoughts are published every Wednesday on our Facebook page and soon after here on our website. Every month we produce a pdf file of the previous 4 thoughts. If you’d like a copy please email sjekillileagh@gmail.com. Printer copies are also available in the church.

In 1996 the Spice Girls sang “I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want”.  Well, instead of thinking of ourselves let’s think about what God really, really wants from us, what makes God happy?  Loving him, talking to him, learning about him, and trusting him are topics we’ve covered in recent weeks, in this thought we are going to focus on doing His will.

We have churches, altars, pews and music to bring us together to share our faith, praise His name and learn more about Him.  What also brings God joy is when we focus our faith on helping those people less fortunate than ourselves

In James 1:27 we read “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Looking after others that are hurting or vulnerable in our world by showing His love is what makes God happy.  There are many ways that we can help those folk less fortunate than ourselves, but God has set a specific task for each one of us.

Emotionally: You can be there for people by listening, encouraging, and simply ‘showing up’ for those who need it.  Perhaps volunteer for a local charity, where your contribution would be truly valued.  Together, we are God’s hands and feet on earth.

Physically: You could check on a neighbour, deliver groceries, help local children with their homework, even take part in a kick about!   Practical help where you are investing your time and skill.

Financially: If God has blessed you financially, please give to support those who are struggling. Perhaps find a local church or charity to donate to. Don’t forget gift aid!

Spiritually:  Offer spiritual support and prayer to those people who need guidance, direction, or reminders of what they already know to be true.  When we do this our experience of God is also deepened.

“If I do all these things; will it get me into heaven?”   No, because helping others is part, not the whole, of what God expects from us.  In Romans 10:9 Paul tells us, “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  Belief in God, asking for forgiveness of sins and building a relationship with Him comes first.  As part of this we do His bidding on earth.

The second part of the verse from James underlines this truism.  He writes “and keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” We do this by trusting God, surrendering to His ways and keeping to the path he has illuminated for us.

Being a Christian is about loving God and serving others, making us more like Him.  That’s what God really, really wants!

Ask God today where your help is needed and what you could do.  You will get an answer and

 “Make it last forever, His friendship never ends!”