Easyfundraising is a long-established and easy way to raise funds when shopping online for a chosen cause –at no cost to yourself. Yes it’s free money!
In 2022 just under £100 was raised by a small group of our parishioners while using Easyfundraising. In the first 9 months of 2023 just under £60 has been raised.
The process is quick and easy –
1: Set up an Easyfundraising account with our church as the chosen cause. This is a one-off step – it only needs to be done once and only takes a minute or two to complete.
2: When shopping online, rather than go directly to the retailer website, firstly sign in to Easyfundraising and select the retailer – you will then be directed to the retailer website where you can then continue shopping. That’s it!
If you need further help email sjekillyleagh@gmail.com
1: Set up an Easyfundraising account
Go to easyfundraising.org.uk
Select the Find a cause link
2: In the Search box begin to type in St Johns Church Killyleagh – our cause name “St Johns Church – Killyleagh” will be listed below –
3: Click on the listed cause name then click the Search cause button.
A new page will be displayed listing our cause – click on the cause details
4: Our church cause page will be displayed. This page also contains videos and information about how Easyfundraising works.
Click on the Sign up and support this cause button
5: On a new page you now have an option how you want to set up your account – via an Apple account, a Facebook account or by just using your email address – choose your preferred method
6: For example using email address – fill in your details and click the Create my account button
7: A message re setting up donation reminders will appear – click No Thanks (this can be set up at a later date)
Instructions on how to use Easyfund raising Using Easyfundraising