Sir Hans Sloane

Sir Hans Sloane

Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753) was baptised in the church in 1660. After being tutored in the library at Killyleagh Castle, he went on to become the world famous scientist, physician, botanist, chemist and natural historian. He bequeathed his vast collection to the nation, which helped establish the British Museum. He rose to become the only man to be President of the Royal College of Physicians and President of the Royal Society. 



Sir Hans Sloane

In 1712, he became Royal physician to Queen Anne. He also served George I and George II. He is also accredited for introducing chocolate to Britain, having discovered cocoa in Jamaica and developing a recipe to manufacture it, by sweetening it. The moth Urania Sloanus and the plant genus Sloanea are named after him. A font cover was gifted to the church in 1964 by parishioners in his memory.